PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is plasma rich in platelets. It is isolated from the patient's own blood by centrifugation. 
Thanks to special test tubes and the use of a professional protocol, the number of platelets in PRR is 4-5 times higher than in whole blood.
This ensures the achievement of a high concentration of growth factors. Thanks to this, PRP therapy stimulates the recovery of both skin and mucous membranes, helps eliminate signs of aging, improves skin tone and color, and eliminates its flaws.


PRF (from the English Platelet Rich Fibrin) - fibrin rich in platelets - a bioproduct obtained from the patient's own blood. PRF is a powerful stimulator of wound healing or tissue defects.


PPP (plasma therapy) is a treatment method for stimulating the healing of tissues and improving their condition.
This process is often used in medicine to treat various injuries, wounds and skin conditions.


Are there side effects of PRF therapy?
To obtain PRF, special test tubes are used, in which there are no additional substances and foreign substances. PRF is obtained from your own blood, so this biomaterial is 100% biocompatible with your body.
With PRF therapy, the risk of allergy, infection and mutagenic effect is excluded.
Obtaining a PRF does not require a lot of time or special efforts.
PRF therapy is a minimally traumatic and virtually painless procedure.
Is the PRF therapy procedure painful?
PRF therapy is as painless as a regular blood draw.
What tissues and organs does PRF therapy stimulate?
Skin. Growth factors released from platelets stimulate the body's own stem cells, the distribution of fibroblasts, keratinocytes, as well as the formation of new collagen, elastin, proteoglycans that form the matrix of the dermis. Thanks to this, PRF therapy is an effective means of stimulating the healing of skin wounds - after burns, operations, as well as wounds that do not heal for a long time in patients with impaired blood flow in the lower extremities and diabetes.
Mucous membranes - primarily this applies to the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, especially in the area of ​​the dento-gingival junction.
Bones - in addition to classic growth factors, PRF contains factors that stimulate osteoblasts - bone tissue cells. This makes PRF a powerful stimulator of bone repair and filling of bone defects.
Which is better: Fillers or PRP?
The positive effects of fillers are based on two main mechanisms:
  • volume filling, which provides a quick visual effect
  • activation of inflammation, which in turn triggers reparative processes, including cell proliferation and de novo matrix production.
Despite initiating skin remodeling, fillers have several disadvantages: foreign agents (animals or obtained during chemical synthesis) are in fact antigens
  • the introduction of any foreign material triggers a nonspecific inflammation accompanied by a vascular reaction, swelling and recruitment of leukocytes, the secretion of cytokines and enzymes that cause the destruction of the dermis matrix
  • in some cases, the introduction of fillers is also accompanied by the activation of dendritic cells (antigen presenting cells), which triggers immune reactions and can lead to the formation of granulomas.
Unlike fillers, PRP is a natural product that is 100% biocompatible! The absence of foreign substances (antigens) guarantees the minimization of complications. In addition, PRP stimulates the production of tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMP1), which reduces the severity of the inflammatory reaction.
PRP therapy provides a complete restoration of the chemical composition and architectonics of the connective tissue due to the physiological stimulation of the skin's own cells.
Which is better: Plasma therapy or PRP?
Let's answer the question: is there always a need for pronounced stimulation of regeneration and use of stem cell reserves?
It is important to remember that the number of stem cells is limited. And although the body has an excessive supply of cells, you should not tempt fate and use the reserves uncontrollably.
In addition, it is important to remember the Hayflick effect, which provides for the possibility of a limited number of divisions of each cell. A number of problems with which patients turn to specialists in aesthetic medicine for professional help can be solved "with less blood", healthy and careful use of the body's resources.
Therefore, it is important to correctly choose the type of exposure in accordance with the age, the objective condition of the skin/organism, and the needs of the patient. After all, sometimes the desired effect can be achieved by improving microcirculation and optimizing cell trophicity, without induction of SC and stimulation of proliferative processes. In the presence of minimal age-related changes and for preventive purposes, it is sufficient to use autoplasma. The need to introduce PRP arises only in the presence of signs of cellular and tissue aging.


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